Judy, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You did more for me in one hour than the several hours of counseling I have had. Hearing from my love ones I now think I am ready to move forward with my life. You are a god send.
Judy Lynn, I have to tell you something…
I told my youngest son to be prepared, that he was going to be moving or given the offer to move but not far, because of Colton (his son.)
Just like you told me. His jaw dropped and he said, how did you know? I told him…a friend told me.
He said “mom, I’m moving to Barnesville “ (10 minutes away) he said he had a problem with his landlord and was moving. He didn’t want to worry me, so he delayed telling me!
Judy…you were spot on, on sooo many things!
Thank you so very much
"I have taken several classes with Judy Lynn. My first class was a Beginner class taken after a full round of classes with someone else. I trusted that Judy Lynn would fill in some “fundamentals” I’d missed along the way and that she did! I’ve since taken a few intermediate classes and pop -ups. Judy always makes each class new, fun and interactive. Judy keeps her classes small so she can give individual attention and answer any questions that come up along the way. I love that Judy gives back by providing two weekly circles where we can hone our skills!! I plan to continue taking classes with Judy as long as she offers them." ........ Debbie J.
"Judy Lynn has always been right on, with my visits! She is calming & brings forth information to help you make clear decisions." ........ Lu D.
"Judy Lynn offers a unique service of Psychic Mediumship that combines evidence, healing, psychic reading, and empathy with love, kindness, and spirituality. Her heartfelt mediumship readings bring spiritual guidance and clarity, providing comfort and insight to those seeking answers and clarity in their lives". .......Tammy P.
"I started working with Judy in 2018 during some major life transitions and regularly check in with her, as it is so beneficial to me & my own feelings & life decisions now. Every time she has a stronger connection with not just family (and a pet!) but places, people I worked with and went to high school with come through. Everything Judy knows and understands through Spirit are such perfect descriptions and details-many I'd even forgotten and my heart now can hold til I join them, thanks to Judy. Her insight and knowledge, always with super clarity, sensitivity, intensity, and humor, repeatedly help guide me on many paths. Also her Tarot card reading was mind-blowing and she saw many things that weren't even present in my life til well after that, when everything she saw was beyond accurate!" ..........Joanne. W.
"Besides being an incredible psychic-medium, Judy Lynn is a wonderful teacher. She pushes us just enough each session to go further - and we do. I have learned so much from her and I haven’t been a student for long. I am far more confident in trusting Spirit and myself thanks to her." ....... Stacy P.
"Judy did an amazing reading connecting with my loved ones in spirit! She was able to bring through details and confirmation that was needed. Definitely recommend!" ... Teresa M.
"Thank you Judy for your classes, they pushed me and you were encouraging and empowering us with the tools to go further with the evidence."....... Effie Linke
"Judy is truly one of the best Psychic Mediums I have had the pleasure of interacting with. Her readings are always spot on with messages from spirit that has helped me on my path in this life. She is a wonderful teacher/mentor. I have been able to take my mediumship to a professional level and I have her to thank for this! Thank you for your sage advise and counsel." - Christie May
"Judy was exceptional communicating tangible information (unknown facts) she received, during my reading. She described my grandmother’s personality, as well as the odd, complex relationship we had, while she was alive. She said my grandmother was thanking me for something that happened very soon before her death. Judy said, “Whatever you did, it meant so much to her”. What Judy doesn’t know, is after 10 years of us not speaking, I called my grandmother to tell her how much I loved her, how special she was to me through my childhood. I also told her how sorry I was that we have not spoken & the reason why I have not called her. Then, exactly one month later, my grandmother passed. I am so grateful I made that call & now so grateful to know how important it was to her. Judy also spoke of some stomach issues, saying not to be too concerned, because it will pass. The next day, our entire family came down with a GI virus, one-by-one. I was not too concerned, because I strongly felt, it will pass & it did. Judy was spot on in so many areas & her abilities to communicate the meaning behind the reading was so beneficial for my life. I highly recommend Judy!". Jaimie B.
"Judy is a great medium as well as a very good teacher . Always helps developing mediums".... Irina B.
"I felt Judy had great insight to the direction I should focus my energies. She helped me with questions I had for her but kept focusing on the issues that were most important to my life and happiness. Thank you Judy! I would definitely recommend her to my friends and family. I already have!" ~ Michelle G.
"I am a regular at Judy's weekly mediumship practice circle. It is a privilege to have this opportunity to practice with such a gifted psychic medium. I always come away from her group motivated and with something new learned."
Thank you, Judy. - Audrey McNaughton
"I have taken Judy’s Psychic Awareness & Mediumship Development classes. Both classes were not only very informative, but students receive a great deal of practice (don’t let the P word intimidate you, super friendly atmosphere). I really enjoy the manner in which Judy teaches. She has a really good balance of structure and go with the flow. She is very open to taking classes where her students need them to go. Judy is great at answering questions and even provides guest speakers on topics that are of interest to her students. The classes are limited to a certain number of students, which is WONDERFUL! She also runs free weekend circles which are a great opportunity to practice! One other thing about Judy is she does not drop you when the class ends. I have gone to her with questions after classes have ended and she has taken the time to address, answer and help me with my development".
-Nancy J.
"I had a session with Judy a couple of months after a cousin passed. I was looking more for guidance for myself, but my cousin had other ideas. At first I was confused by the details that were sent through. But when Judy asked “who’s Tina”- who is his wife, I about fell out of my chair. Every clue sent through was spot on to my cousin. There was no doubt from me that she was communicating with my deceased cousin. That session renewed my beliefs about death and the afterlife and I am now living my life along that truth"............ Marlene L.
"Judy is beyond amazing & exceptionally gifted with Spirit. There aren't adequate words to describe the details, depth, accuracy, and several revelations that were not even actualized until well after our session. I'm a friend but live very far away, so couldn't do it in person....that's where I was rendered speechless. To do this over the phone in amazing. My parents, another non-blood relative my son & I were deeply close to, & several other paths to awareness & insight were as strong to Judy as if they were standing before me. Which, in a way, they were. I will be revisiting Judy each season, as much has recently been, and will be, changing & happening. The comfort & strength & positive directions Spirit revealed through Judy- for both myself & my adult son- were obvious & lasting. She has a unique and unbelievably strong Spirit!" ~JoAnne W.
"Great phone reading....so much info & spot on! Thank you Judy!" ~Dorothy V.
Thanks for bringing me peace of mind as my heart continues to grieve for my recent losses. Your reading is allowing me to begin the healing process with questions answered. Thank you so much :) Marianne Z